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halloween party

can you imagine me with a long blonde hair?

well, neither can i... that is, until yesterday... our department decided that we should do a group costume and became the VH1 Divas... for some reasons they decided that i should be christina aguilera (!), even though i insisted that i should be bjork instead. they said bjork is not a VH1 Diva, so of course, being the true team-player that i am, i had to get a blonde wig in the end (yeah yeah, laugh all you want).

we ended up winning the best group costume for the evening with our m-a-h-rvelous outfits and custom-made silver microphones (well, it was actually a tie with the production dept, who all dressed up as the seven dwarfs, complete with the funny hats and beards).

but the best part of the whole thing i think is definitely the WIGS! almost everybody was wearing a wig in various shapes and colors...!

anyway, here are the divas, plus three of their "american idols" companions (one of them is the director of my dept the one with the funky red wig)... the divas are: shania twain, tina turner, diana ross, elton john, cher, pink, and christina aguilera. see if you can tell which one is which...

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