just so out of it
well, what can you say... it's monday again! yuuuccccckkkk...
and it's so dark and gloomy outside. i guess it's gonna rain soon...
i'm SO lethargic and cranky today... don't wanna work...
just wanna go home and stare at the wall for as long as i feel like it... x(
everything's just so boring and meaningless.
maybe i should go rent a happy movie after work
or a happy easy-read book
maybe that'll help...
*phew.. i tot im the only1 who has a bad day.. i mean bad dayssssss.....
life sucks.. so boring, and sucks!
Posted by: sg | September 17, 2002 05:37 AM
sg, what's happening to DF? gue kangen nehhh... biasanya tiap pagi ngecek forum, tapi sekarang ga bisa... hiks.. hiks... kapan donk DF jalan lagi?
Posted by: d | September 17, 2002 11:57 AM