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just so out of it

well, what can you say... it's monday again! yuuuccccckkkk...
and it's so dark and gloomy outside. i guess it's gonna rain soon...
i'm SO lethargic and cranky today... don't wanna work...
just wanna go home and stare at the wall for as long as i feel like it... x(

everything's just so boring and meaningless.

maybe i should go rent a happy movie after work
or a happy easy-read book
maybe that'll help...


*phew.. i tot im the only1 who has a bad day.. i mean bad dayssssss.....

life sucks.. so boring, and sucks!

sg, what's happening to DF? gue kangen nehhh... biasanya tiap pagi ngecek forum, tapi sekarang ga bisa... hiks.. hiks... kapan donk DF jalan lagi?

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