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sometimes i have this feeling that's just impossible to describe... like right now... it's like a sudden realization of my physical existence... like seeing myself for the first time from the outside as a separate entity...

i remember i've had these moments since i was a very small child... maybe since i was 5 or 6 years old... i would be playing or doing something and then suddenly it came and i would just look at my hands or my face in the mirror with new interest and awe, and thought to myself, "wow, look... this is what i occupy... this is how it looks like..." and started examining myself as if i'd just seen it for the first time... and then i would start wondering, "why am i being put in this form? what would it feel like if i wasn't in this body and was given another one? what was the reason that i was created as me, and not as an ant or a fish or the neighbor's kid?"

...it occured much more often when i was a kid, though... now it's only about once every few months or so... maybe it's a self-discovery phase amongst children that i somehow never quite get over with...

i wonder if anybody ever feel like this before? or am i just being crazy?


yes! omg i feel the same way about things like Ill look at my hands and just examine them or like the only part of my body that really feels like is me is my eyes. I always wondered why i was put in this body and not lets say a wolfs or something like that. Well i understand where your coming from.

omg ive so felt like that..n ive always wondered why.and i thought it was both normal to think like that ..and crazy at the same time..

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