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regarding mummies...

went to the mfa (finally!) after work with mina + jimmy...

we spent the whole 3 hours looking at the most amazing collection of nubian and egyptian (and some greek) funerary stuff.... mummies, huge stone + wood sarcophaguses, tombstones and urns... it's just so awesome!!!! a couple of them dated back to 6000 BC!!!! and there was this little room which walls are reconstructed from real wall pieces from the tombs with hieroglyphs...

there's also this really cool exhibit of small tubular stamps with awesome carvings and intricate details from greece...

and then there's a display of the urn of an etruscan woman, with her jewelry and mirrors and comb and her otherfavorite things found inside the urn with her ashes... looking at those things were kinda creepy and beautiful at the same time... i imagined her wearing those jewelries and looking in her mirror while combing her hair... little things that she probably took for granted when she was alive, and now in display to represent her life to strangers thousands of years after she died.... isn't that completely weird???? i don't think i would want my stuff to be looked at 2500 years from now....

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