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what a nice birthday :)

the most wonderful day i've had since so long... everybody's just so nice... i'm quite surprised at the number of people who actually remembered my birthday! i spent the entire morning getting calls and reading emails and e-cards from people... :D

and guess what! i suddenly got this email from giri, my dearest buddy giri, who had never emailed me since he went home 2 years ago!!! that email totally made my day :)

anyway, the ladies from work treated me to a nice long lunch at penang, which was a lot of fun... followed by starbucks afterwards... and then legal seafood for dinner, a bottle of nice white wine and the heavenly tiramisu from finale as dessert.... yummmm.... i'm so full now... sometimes i marvel at my stomach's capacity...

i think all that food should be enough sustenance to last me until friday...

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