monday blues
has there been any scientific research done to explain why monday always sucks, almost without exception?
it's cold again today... the temperature has dropped from high 70s to the low 50s, accompanied by some even colder breeze. and then i got multiple [read: four] projects to work on today, all of which have to be done by wednesday, cuz i'm flying to L.A. on thursday for a vacation (yay!!! — for the vacation, not the projects)
during lunch break, i went to dew's site, and saw her latest posting about ano leaving... which is really a sad thing, since i really enjoy his writings and have been visiting his site quite often lately. ano, everybody's guilty of leaving their blogs without updates for weeks, and that's ok. you don't have to quit altogether just because you're super busy now, right? (still hoping ano would change his mind about closing the site)
the only good thing today is boston jazz festival week has started, and there will be a lot of free outdoor performances to choose from every day until sunday.
bonus news:
found out a few days ago from avi that IE is officially dead as of version 6 for windows and 5.2 for the mac. yes, the king of all browsers is finally dead. microsoft will not be releasing any more stand-alone browser in the future; any new and improved version will only come packaged with the latest OS. weird, no?
well, i'm definitely not gonna complain about it, as i so hate (!) IE for mac. all it does is keeps crashing on me! it's time to design for better browsers. afterall, who would wanna wait for everybody on the planet to update their OS sometime post 2005 just for IE7? safari and mozilla (or opera?) might be the answer for next gen browsers. oh my, would you look at those nifty tab-browsing tools! :)
more links about this: from zdnet and webstandards.